“Acupuncture is effective for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Researchers at the Beijing Chaoyang Fatou Community Health Service Center conducted a study comparing the effects of warm needling acupuncture, standard acupuncture, and sham acupuncture. [1] Based on the data, the researchers conclude that warm needling acupuncture is significantly more effective than using only standard acupuncture or sham acupuncture.

Three groups were compared. In one group, patients received sham acupuncture (a placebo control system used to simulate true acupuncture used in single-blinded and double-blinded trials). In the second group, patients received standard acupuncture as a means to control chronic fatigue syndrome. In the third group, standard acupuncture was combined with moxibustion therapy. The results demonstrate that sham acupuncture does not produce significant positive patient outcomes; however, standard acupuncture and warm needling acupuncture produce significant clinical results. The researchers note, “Acupuncture (and moxibustion) can be used as alternative and safe treatment protocols for chronic fatigue syndrome.””

(The above is a direct quote from the article in the link, as it must be noted that Australian regulations do not allow us to say we ‘treat’ a condition). The article goes on to explain the research protocols and results.

Many other chronic conditions, such as fibromyalgia and sciatica, that are difficult to treat with western medications, are being managed with traditional Chinese acupuncture, and it is therefore a good idea to look into giving it a try. It is almost entirely painless, and the benefits most certainly outweigh any slight occasional prickle! Research into acupuncture is getting closer to finding out how it works: it is physical in nature, rather than ‘all in the mind’, ‘smoke and mirrors’ or voodoo!

So if you live in the Macarthur region, Five Elements Acupuncture is near you, in the centre of Campbelltown.  Contact Zoe and tell her what’s causing you pain, and together we’ll get you back on your feet, naturally.