Carpal tunnel syndrome. You can be pain-free again!

Carpal tunnel syndrome. You can be pain-free again! The link above leads to an article detailing research relating to carpal tunnel syndrome. I can also tell you from my own clinic...
The Humble Banana!

The Humble Banana!

All foods have their own specific properties, just like the banana. The obvious ones are chillies (hot, acrid: help to warm internal cold), cucumber (cold, sweet and slightly bitter: cools internal heat, diuretic). Others are not so obvious, such as: walnuts (warm,...
Depressed? Anxious? Overwhelmed?

Depressed? Anxious? Overwhelmed? Hopefully the link above will lead you to an article I found today explaining a little about how acupuncture can help you if you suffer from depression,...
Case study – sciatica

Case study – sciatica

A 75 year old lady hobbled into my clinic a few months ago. She was desperate for relief of her severe back pain. She had intense nerve pain including burning/tingling/stabbing and shooting pains down her leg. She was taking Lyrica and Celebrex with some relief, but...